Monday, June 4, 2007

A dream about Parker

Happy Monday, Everybody!

Last night a had a horrible time sleeping, but the few hours I got in were full of dreams. In one dream, I was holding newborn Parker, who was born weighing 11 pounds 11 ounces (who knows about the significance there, but I remember the amount distinctly). So glad it was only a dream, b/c that is a HUGE baby! He was a very healthy looking baby with a cute little clefted chin and smooth skin.

Moments later in the dream, Parker was a toddler and we were sitting on the couch eating rainbow sherbert together in our p.j.'s. :) He had kind of shaggy brown hair and green/brown eyes. We were having a great time hanging out and watching t.v. together. I woke up and wished I could re-enter the dream, but once again, couldn't go back to sleep.

So today I'm sitting at my desk, half-zombie, trying to be productive. Thought I'd jot down my dream memory before it escaped me entirely. As I'm sitting here I have felt Parker twice. He must know I'm talking about him. :) Hope you all have a great week. Luvs, Laura

1 comment:

DADDY C said...

That is cute honey. I think hanging out with the newborn Holland had a lasting effect. I hope you start to sleep better...

Love Ya,
