Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm about to drop!!!

After an intense work week, I headed straight into co-leading the 'Senior Leadership Workshop'on Friday afternoon with our 08 graduating seniors. I was on-campus until 9pm last night, back at work at 8 am this morning, and man am I feeling worn out!!! I'll be here all day today and most of the day Sunday as well. I hope I survive!

My body is definitely telling me I've been over doing it this week. I was really achey last night and today my stomach is rebelling against me. I can't wait until September 7th (our final enrollment date) has passed so I can shift out of hyper-drive and take it easy for my final months. I am nearly 3/4 through my pregnancy and I have suddenly realized there's not all that much time left- yikes! When did that happen?

Well, I just wanted to check in. I'll let you know how the rest of this rollercoaster of an 8 day work week turns out. Ug.


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