Thursday, June 7, 2007

One more week!

Hi Guys!

I'm getting soooo excited to hop on a plane next Thursday!!! This week has gone by quicky-- lots to do at work!!! Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks along- nearly half-way there! It hardly seems possible that in 5 months we will have a new family member! Incredible!!!

I now feel Parker move at least a few times a day and look forward to feeling his little nudges as I go about my daily routine. As it still seems impossible to me at times that there is a little person growing inside me, his movement remains a surreal experience each time it happens. I wish I had a little baby cam in there so I could sneak peeks at him as he waves his arms and kicks his legs. On the other hand, I would never get anything done ever again.

My appetite has grown to that of a trucker, and when I haven't eaten for 4 or 5 hours I feel like I'm dying of starvation. Don't worry folks- I'm not going too overboard, but we have had to make a few late evening Dairy Queen runs for chocolate cherry blizzards. :) Aside from that and sleeping only 4 or 5 hours a night, I still feel great! Hope the second half goes just as smoothly! (knock on wood!)

-Homeward bound


tessa said...

Can't wait to see you!

Mandi said...

You're a Dairy Queen kind of girl too, eh?! I'm always craving Stawberry Sundaes...can't get enough of em'.