Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are you kidding me???

I just took my midterm. I spent about 20 hours preparing for it. No kidding. The professor said it would take 2 hours. It was 20 multiple choice questions long and was open book. No, I'm not kidding. It took me 11 minutes. WHAT?

Am I complainging? Of course not. Would I like to have my weekend back? Absolutely!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Got Gas?

I have only a moment or two to post, but wanted to share the weird news that Atlanta has run out of gas. We went to 14 gas stations this weekend searching for gas, before Chris finally was able to get 8 gallons for $51.00 before that pump ran out. Crazy! One of our students said earlier today that she couldn't find gas here in Gainesville, either. I've got enough gas to drive home, but I'm kind of worried that I won't be able to drive to work tomorrow! What a weird problem to have.

This weekend was kind of annoying. I spent the whole weekend studying for a 2 hour mid-term I was set to take on Sunday, and then the professor didn't post the link to the test! Grrr. Now I have to take it either tonight or tomorrow night when I get home from work. That upsets me because I'm always tired and busy when I get home from work! On the other hand, Parker got to spend lots of nice quality time with his Daddy this weekend. They went out and watched football and went to a street parade and went grocery shopping. What a great Dada little P has!

One good thing about my weekend was that I spoke on the phone with my old friend, Jessa, who I haven't talked to for 10 years. She is expecting a baby, so we had lots to chat about. It really made my day to talk to an old friend, and we fell easily into conversation like not much time had passed at all. So funny to think that we used to sit around writing song lyrics back and forth in class and talking about our first boyfriends, and here we are all grown up having babies! When did I grow up? Weird!

Ok- quitting time!

Pray I find gas.

Oh, and PS... I get my new teeth this Thursday. YES!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I miss Oregon...tear!

I was looking at the Facebook page of one of the students from my school who moved to Oregon this summer. She posted pictures from her new home in Ashland, and it really made me miss my home state. :( I just had to post the pic b/c it is so beautiful. I will never forget you, gorgeous Oregon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I love strawberries!

Cute Bunny Teeth

At least Parker looks cute with bunny teeth. :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rabbit Teeth

I had my dentist's appointment today and it was horrifying. I was there for 3 hours having chunks of old crown sawed/drilled/yanked off, sitting around looking like a gremlin with pointy little tooth nubs, and then getting "temporaries" installed. I think a better word would be gigantic glowing bunny teeth. I look like $&#*@* Rodger Rabbit, and of course, I have a wedding to attend this weekend where I will see a bunch of people I know. I feel like crying. To make matters worse, I can't even touch the rest of my teeth together, so I guess chewing is out of the question for the next 2 weeks as well. At least I will by a skinny rabbit. :(

This past week Chris and I took a few days off of work to go up to North Carolina. Chris was supposed to go on a big fishing trip off the coast, but it got cancelled because of Hurricane Ike. We had a lot of fun anyway spending time with Grammy, Mima, Papa, Andy, Anna, and Chris' cousin Joyce and her two kids. All was well until Chris pointed out the one of the tires on our little Subaru was completely bare. I guess the alignment was off very badly and ruined the tires. All of them. We got stuck in South Carolina on Sunday night and had to drive back on Monday, when Chris and I were both supposed to be back at work. 4 new tires and a newly aligned car later, we finally made it back home. Whew! The trip was so much fun, but it's too bad it had to end on such an annoying note.

Needless to say, my nerves are kind of fried. I'll write a nicer post later in the week to tell you all about the wonderful things Peanut is doing these days. For now, I'm going to hop-hop-hop out the door before anyone else sees me.

Laura Longtooth