Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our big fall...

On Friday evening Chris and I had some friends over to the house to play Cranium. It was a fun filled evening until I walked out onto the back deck holding Parker, and my feet slipped on the wet wood and we fell flat on the deck...hard. Of course Parker was terrified (as was I), but he stopped crying after a minute or two and after looking him over and finding no apparent injury, we put him to bed. In the morning, he woke up cheery as always, but when we put him on the floor, he would not pull up to standing. When we tried to put both of his feet on the floor to "walk" him like we often do, he wouldn't place his right foot on the floor. Panic suddenly rushed through me when I realized something was wrong. My baby was hurt!!! Chris called our pediatrician and we went straight to our local Urgent Care for x-rays. They took a couple of his foot and didn't find anything. With directions to give hime Tylenol every 4 hours, we went home. I was so upset all I could do was cry. The thought of something being wrong with Parker was making me crazy! On Sunday there was not a lot of improvement, so I decided to take him to our pediatrician on Monday. They sent us straight to the Children's Hospital of Atlanta for more extensive x-rays. Parker was not at all happy about this process and cried harder than ever while we all held him down. It was heartbreaking! Of course as soon as they were done he was happy again and wanting to touch everything in the office. Parker's x-rays were negative for breaks and fractures, which is great, but no one has really been able to tell me what IS going on. They said to bring him back on Friday if he is still not bearing weight on his leg. I am SO WORRIED and so distrought over this whole thing I can hardly function properly. I will only feel better when Parker is back on his feet and back to his usual activities. Please help us pray for Parker's fast recovery, not only for his sake, but for the sake of his worried sick Mama!


Lindsay said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that!! There is nothing worse than worrying about your little baby. Please keep us posted on how he is! (i LOVE cranium)

tessa said...

i'm sure parker will be fine, he's probably just shaken up a bit. in the mean time, i'll be sending happy walking thoughts your way.