Thursday, February 26, 2009

A quick little funny...

So I went to see Parker at lunch today, as I always do. I had eaten my lunch and was sipping on a cup of coffee when I hear a weird barking sound. I look around and realize that Deborah's cat, Hobbs, is coughing up a hairball (I know, Tessa- one more reason not to like cats...ha). Then I hear another weird cough, not coming from the cat, and see Parker on his hands and knees pretending to cough up his own hairball. I nearly died laughing it was so funny. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Cat" and then made the coughing sound again. Oh, I have the funniest little person alive.


tessa said...

As I reading this I had two distinct facial expressions. The first was after I read the cat was coughing up a hair ball. My face contorted into disgusted horror. When I got to the part where Parker mimicked the cat, it immediately relaxed into a huge smile and i chuckled out loud. that is really really cute... obviously not the cat, just parker :)

Unknown said...

Hahahaha! That is really funny...whew