Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And you thought it would never happen....

Low and behold, I woke up this morning and felt like blogging. It was a busy summer, and there's way too much to try and recap, so I'm just going to move forward from here. As I was writing my friend Leah an email yesterday I realized that Parker is doing way too many fun and hilarious things these days not to record them and share them. Now that work has slowed down a bit (today is the last day a new student can enroll for fall term, so I can breathe a sigh of relief!), I've got more down time to sit down and type a little. It feels nice to sit here sipping my coffee and eating some fig bread a colleague brought into the office and reflect a bit.

Parker will be two in two months. TWO! Just like every parent for all time has said, I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY!!! P now talks in 4-5 word sentences, makes jokes, can count to ten, spell his name.... he's pretty much amazing. He's still happy as can be, but is also learning to communicate his likes and dislikes more clearly. (AKA "NOOOOOOOO BEEEEDDDDDDDTIIMMMMMEEEE") My favorite thing he is doing a lot of is playing make-believe. He will wrap up a stuffed animal in a blanket and carry it around like a baby, singing it "night night songs," or ask for a piece of cheese to feed to the animals in the Fisher Price farm at Deborah's house. He says "My" instead of "I'm," so everything comes out really cute. "My eating my banana." "My jumping on this!" He even says lots of complicated words like alligator, bicycle, dinosaur,... Can you tell I'm still the proudest Mommy there ever was?

Well, I'd better get back to work, but wanted to let you all know that Parker Peanut and his fam are still live and well. More later. -L


Mandi said...

Yaaay! I've been checking back for these :) I love hearing about Parker's progress, how smart he is, and all the things to look forward to. Have a great week!

Jessa said...

Glad to see that you're *back*! Now, maybe I'll get on the blogging wagon... and STICK on it! ;) Great to hear about your BabyP. He sounds unbelievable.

tessa said...

time has flown by for me too...and i don't have any kids. can't believe he's nearly 2 already! hopefully i'll meet him before he graduates from high school. :)

glad to hear things are going well.