Monday, November 15, 2010

I believe I called this one...

It was kind of funny looking at my July blog post predicting the winds of change blowing, because it was just a month later that I walked into my office and my boss asked me to "go for a walk." Naturally, I thought that I was getting laid off, but even in the moment I took a deep breath and said to myself "ok- here it is... whatever it is." The news was that my position at the Academy was being rolled into someone else's job in the university admission department, and that they had something totally different lined up for me at one of the satelite campuses of the university. My new position would be overseeing the recruitment efforts for all of the university's distance (i.e. satelite) campuses as the Director for Distance Campus recruitment.

Of course, there was a sense of relief that I still HAD a job, but mostly my feeling was more along the lines of "yuck- I don't want to do that!" The good news was that this new position is in Norcross- about 19 miles from home vs. the 54 miles I had been driving each way, every day, so that is something, but aside from that I'm looking at this as really good motivation to figure out what is going to be more fulfilling to me in the long run. I really miss being part of a true school community, and would really love to find another position in a small independent school where Parker could possibly attend at some point. My eyes are peeled and my ears are open to what might be out there, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

The trickiest part about this whole scenario was that I was given about two weeks notice to get trained and get down to my new office. Most of you know that Parker has stayed with our friend Deborah since he was 11 weeks old right next to the Academy, so this really threw a wrench in our arrangements and our emotions. We worked things out so that Parker is home with Chris part of the time, at preschool part of the time, and with a nanny part of the time, but with Chris in search of a more secure work scenario, who knows when that will change again. The whole thing has really forced me out of my comfort zone because I always like to have things mapped out and to have routine and consistency. I suppose it is good for me to see that things can work out outside from that rigid format, but I'll be happy when things feel more established and steady again.

At any rate, I thought since I now spend my days in an empty building making phone calls and sending bulk emails, it would be a good time to take another shot at picking the blog back up as a lunchtime activity. Besides, I recently watched Julie and Julia and remembered how good it feels to have some dialogue with yourself now and again regardless if anyone is listening.



Erica said...

Hey Laura! You're still in my google reader, and I always like it when you put a new post up. I hope you start blogging regularly again!

Good luck with your job situation. I hope you find just what you're looking for.


Lindsay said...

I'm listening! Good for you for trying to be positive about the job situation. I hope it turns out that you're happy there!