Friday, January 27, 2012

In little more than a blink, here we are at second trimester!

I can't believe a month has passed since the first time we got to see with our own eyes the little person growing in my belly. Our pregnancy confirmation appointment was on December 27th, and Chris, Parker and I all got to see that tiny little being on the big screen. At just 9 weeks, we saw that tiny beating heart, and that itty bitty little gummy bear shaped being. Parker dubbed the baby "Little Bug," though he has decided he's sure the baby is his long-time imaginary baby sister, Lula.

I didn't realize how nervous and apprehensive I had been about that appointment until I sat on the table for the ultrasound. My hands started trembling and out of nowhere I was crying with a tight knot in my throat. When the technician found the baby and we saw the fluttering heart, my own heart had its own little explosion... of joy, of relief, of disbelief. I realized how much fear I had built up wondering if we wouldn't be able to have another baby. The confirmation of that new life was transformative for me, as it will continue to be for our family.

Nearly five weeks later, I am in my 14th week of pregnancy and in my second trimester. We had a second ultrasound last week that showed a fully formed little person with fingers, toes, ears, and a tiny little upturned nose. Seeing that visual of our wiggly little baby was such a nice reassurance of what I can't yet feel. I've felt a couple of little taps and flutters, but know in the coming weeks I will have more regular reassurance from within. In just two weeks, we'll be going to find out if we're having a boy or girl, and I couldn't be more excited.

Chris, Parker and many friends think I'll have a girl, I still have a feeling I'll have a boy. The Chinese Birth Calendar says 'Girl' and the needle test says 'Boy.' (As in hanging a needle on a string over my belly- not poking anyone!) I've had dreams about both. My pregnancy has been pretty similar to mine with Parker. Not much morning sickness, severe insomnia, fatigue, and swollen breasts. I'm so busy at work that I go to bed along with Parker at 7:30 or 8:00 more nights than not. I've gained 2-3 pounds, which is less than I had with Parker by this time, and I attribute that to the volume of activity I have every day giving tours and hosting events.

My big cravings have been bagels and cream cheese, frozen yogurt, and other dairy products. I have been having some aversion to meat (chicken, pork, some beef), but still crave a cheeseburger now and again. :) I'm definitely eating plenty, taking my vitamins, and making an effort to stay hydrated.

Parker is wonderful as ever, and forming his own social circles with new friends and teachers at school. It is such a joy to look out my office window and see him running, jumping, and playing. I feel like this school really supports kids in enjoying childhood to the fullest, and I am so grateful that he can be here. There's not a day that I don't fall in love with my sweet son even more.

This post is getting long, and I need to run, but Chris is doing very well too and has been a great support. He is working really hard, and making great advances in building his career doing just what he loves- making, teaching, and talking about music! I'm so proud of him and really admire the perserverence that he has had to follow his dreams all of these years, even when it was an uphill battle.

Have a great weekend, and I'll try to find time to post more frequently than every month. I've had so much fun going back over my entries from my pregnancy with Parker, and I want to capture those same memories of this time with "Little Bug." :)

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