Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The crazies have begun...

Everyone I talk to who has experienced pregnancy has been filling me in on what to expect. So far, outside of being tired, a little queasy now and then, and having trouble sleeping, I think I've had it pretty easy. I am, however, already getting the pregnancy "forgetsies," as I left the office with my door wide open, lights on, and computer on last night only to find a note from security this morning. Oops. I've also had some funny food cravings/aversions. I no longer enjoy chocolate (astonishing!), but can't get enough fruity food. We went out to Chinese food last night upon my request, and as soon as it was in front of me it looked absolutely disgusting!!! The smell was aweful and I couldn't eat a bite! Chris didn't know just how to respond. Ha! Well, that's the update of the day. -L


tessa said...

Well, I don't have any advice, as I've never carried a child for 9 months....but I'm sure the "crazies" won't last the entire time. Just think of it as an extended period of time where you have an excuse to do anything you want. :)

Sarah Fletch said...

I like Tessa's thought... You'll be going through enough stress carrying your little peanut>apple>canteloupe>watermelon this summer in HOTlanta, you deserve to be a little 'default' crazy :) I love the blog idea, what fun! XOXO

Sarah Strass said...

Yay! I'm excited about your new blog Laura! Now we know what to expect if we get knocked up ;-) JK. No, seriously I'm really excited to read about your experience! I wish I could be there to bring you a fruit salad! I think pregnancy is a good excuse to eat whatever you want!!! Indulge a little...Glad you're doing well! Love ya!

PS Fletch...I like how we both dropped the "er" on our last name :)