Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Bloggiversary!

I just realized that a few days ago was my Blog's one year anniversary! I am so amazed that I have managed to keep it up for a whole year! I have tried so many times to keep a journal, and always give up after a few days. Somehow having an audience for my thoughts gives me more incentive to put my experiences down in words.

Well, today I cleaned up the most giant, explosive poo I have ever seen. Usually I try to spare you the dirty little details of parenthood, but today I just can't help but mention that I spent a good portion of an hour cleaning poo out of Parker's hair, armpits, bouncy seat, changing station cover, outfit, and laundry hamper. WOW. Eating foods has opened up a whole new world of diaper changing. Ok. That's all I'll say about that.

I just got done cleaning out our showers with my new 'Green Works' cleaner (new non-chemical Clorox product). I really like this line. It smells good, it doesn't bleach stuff, and it gets the job done as well as other cleaners I've tried (for the most part). As I was scrubbing (without gloves, nice), I was thinking that someone could really make some money opening a 'Green' cleaning service that only uses eco-friendly products. The whole 'green' movement is so big right now, I bet you could make a killing in a neighborhood of yuppies (as my dad likes to call them) who want to do the in thing and be green, but want someone else to clean their house. I was thinking it could be called "Squeeky Green". I was sure I was about to become a millionaire, but as it turns out the catchy phrase is already being used by Target line, Method. Oh well. There go my millions (again).

I have another tub to scrub before Peanut wakes up from his nap, so I better go. Hope you had a great weekend. Oh, just realized I forgot to update you on my Saturday. Will do that tomorrow.

Luv, Laura

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