Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Penelope Jade!

I won't post her picture with out parental permission, but I am so excited that my dear old friend Jessa had her baby, Penelope Jade, this past weekend. Little P was 3-4 weeks early, but she's cute as a button and already much adored by everyone, including me. :) Congratulations John and Jessa!!!

Next on the agenda- ACCOUNTING! I start my online accounting class tomorrow (gulp) and will hopefully survive with at least an ounce of my sanity left. I'm having some serious anxiety about this class, and even more so now that I have looked over the syllabus and noticed that a HUGE percent of my grade is made up of the midterm and final exam grade. I usually depend on my daily assignment and paper grades to help me out, since that is where my strength lies, not in test taking. I must keep reminding myself, all I need to do is pass. I know I can do that much at least.

Grandma and Grandpa also arrive tomorrow, so we have that to look forward to. We still have our (dried out) Christmas tree up waiting to celebrate with them on Saturday. I think we will get up, open stockings, open gifts, and then strip down the tree and give it the boot. :) We might also try to make it to the aquarium this weekend. We'll see how we feel about it and how much energy we have after our "holiday" food. I'll be taking some videos with my new camera and trying to rope Chris into helping me figure out how to get them into the compute and onto my blog. (Lindsay- maybe you can give me a quick tutorial?) :)

Parker is enjoying all of his Chrismas loot, and some of mine. One of his favorite "toys" from Christmas is my new excercise ball. His eyes got huge when we blew it up, and he kept saying "ball" with an inflection that translated into "my goodness, that's the biggest ball I've ever seen." He walks behind it rolling it down the hall and into various rooms. He also got a little lawn mower from Grammy, and has spent a good deal of time mowing the living room. Why don't they make those things pick up crumbs as they go?

New word update:

Out (get me out of this: tub, high chair, carseat, crib)
Al (Emma's brother who is home from college)
Nose (sort of)

Ok- back to work for me again.

Oh- PS. HAPPY 2009!

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