Tuesday, September 18, 2007

One Nasty Bug!!!

Well, this has been quite a week for me and little Parker. At the end of last week I got a migraine and stayed home from work for some r & r. I felt better for the most part on Saturday, but didn't have much of an appetite. I put in some good t.v. time and tried out our fancy new vacuum, but that's about the extent of my Saturday activity. I felt a little flushed around bed time, but didn't think much of it b/c I felt fine. Then, I woke up at 4 a.m. and started vomiting...violently. Then the diarrhea began. And that is how the rest of my day went. I was so sick, I mean SO sick, I could not do anything but drag myself from the bathroom to the bed... about a million times. I had sweats, chills, fever, and kept absolutely nothing down all day long. I called my doctor's answering service at 10:30 a.m. and asked for the doctor on call. Some half-dead sounding girl took my number and no one ever called me back. I called back again...twice...no one answered. Finally, at 7:00 p.m. I'm sure I'm about to die on the spot. I call again. A very nice older lady tells me that I definitely need to talk to the doctor, but that he is in the middle of a c-section at the moment. She took my number and he called me an hour later. Next thing I know I'm on my way to the hospital to get on an i.v. of fluids and some meds. I will have to stay the night, and I'm suddenly scared.

Chris and I checked in at the hospital and the nurses put me on a few monitors to make sure Parker was ok. His heart rate was up and I was really dehydrated, but luckily it was nothing they couldn't fix. Then I started having contractions which REALLY freaked me out. But, with one quick shot, those stopped and I was tucked in with a couple of bags of fluid, some nausea medicine, and a couple of Ambien to help me rest. (Ambien is a weird drug b.t.w, I felt like I was in an alter universe all night...). Once the nausea medicine kicked in I was so thirsty I felt like I had been in the desert for a week. I begged for something to drink other than my ice chips and finally sweet talked my way into some applejuice. It was the best thing I have ever tasted!!! Even though they told me to slowly sip it, I think it was gone in 3 seconds.

Anyway, after a weird Ambien altered nite, I woke up feeling much better and got to go home at around noon. Crisis averted. I am SO glad to be well, but last night at 3 a.m. Chris woke up and started throwing up. :( He's home re-living my Sunday... hopefully feeling better by now. At least he doesn't have a bun in the oven to worry about.

So, that was my weekend adventure. Now I'm back at work catching up on all of the misc. stuff that has piled up in the mean time. All I know is that I'm glad Parker did not make a surprise early appearance... he needs a little more time to cook.

Luv, Laura


tessa said...

eeks. sounds scary. glad you're better! hopefully chris is better too.

Mandi said...

Wow, I'm SO glad you're better. Any sickness is so freaky when you're pregnant...but contractions...yikes! Take care lady (and Peanut) :)