Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year, Etc.

Well, here I am! I haven't been on a computer for 3 weeks, so sorry for the long pause between posts. (To whom I am apologizing, I'm not sure, but I'll pretend I have a vast following of blog fans). :)
I'm having a melancholy day, as Monday will be my first day back at work. I knew the day would come, but I cannot believe how fast my 12 weeks passed. I feel like we just brought Parker home last week. I didn't realize how much it would tear me apart to imagine not spending every waking moment with my Peanut, but I've had tears in my eyes all day. I keep reminding myself that I will get to see him a couple of times a day and that our situation is so wonderful compared to many others, but it feels a lot like Parker is still a part of me, and it will feel very strange to be separated for more than a brief couple of hours.
Parker and I had the nicest day together yesterday. We woke up, took a walk to our favorite little restaurant and had lunch together, just the two of us. Then we walked back, played for a while, took a nap, and relaxed. Parker was lounging in his bassinet and the light from the French doors in our room was falling through the mesh onto his face. He was looking up at his mobile cooing and he just looked so beautiful. I think the strangest and most wonderful thing about looking at your own baby is that even though they are brand new, you look into their eyes and there is such though you have known them for eternities. Like they have been a part of you all along. Once again, I remind myself that we will still have these special moments....millions, in fact.
To add to my anxiety today, our carseat is stuck in the car. And when I mean stuck, I mean really stuck. I guess the last time I put him in the car one of the straps from his Snuggli (baby carrier) got caught between the carseat and its base and jammed the whole mechanism. Chris and I have both tried everything under the sun to get it out, but it won't budge. Who fixes things like that? We got the thing online, so we can't just take it to the store. Chris says we'll have to break the carseat to get it out, which means we'll have to buy another one (big $$$), which in turn means the new seat won't work with the stroller the old one came with......etc., etc. Also, Deborah, the woman watching Parker needs to be able to use the carseat while she's watching him, so that's another huge problem. So, naturally, I'm crying about that now too, which is sure to help. Ugh.
Well, hopefully my weepies will pass and we'll work something out with the car thing. I'll write more about our holidays, which were very nice, next post. I think I need to take some deep breaths and a nap.

1 comment:

tessa said...

Sorry you have to go back to work already and good luck with the car seat situation...that sounds like no fun at all.

Thinking of you,