Monday, January 14, 2008

Much Relieved!

Well, the carseat is still stuck, but luckily that's about the only thing I'm still worrying about. My friend Brooke lent me her infant carseat for Deborah to use, and amazingly, my first day back to work has been great. I pulled up to Deborah's house and there was a 'Welcome Parker' sign on the door that her 8 year old daughter, Emma, had made for us, Parker seemed happy as pie (how happy is that, exactly?) to be at her house, and I've gotten to see him twice since I dropped him off. The second time I went over there Emma had been reading him books and asked me when I came in if he had any favorite authors! :) How cute! She told me that she was really excited because she plans to do some babysitting one day and this is great job experience!
When I came to the office I had a big sign on my door that says "Welcome back Mrs. Nicholson." It is signed by almost all of the staff and students and has the sweetest messages on it. It has been the warmest welcome back that I could imagine. Deborah had also put a vase of purple fresia on my desk and taped a picture of Chris and Parker on my wall right next to my desk where I will see it all day long. I feel so loved. What a lucky girl I am.
The other great thing about my first day back was that I got to jump right in and meet with a prospective family. I was afraid my skills might be a little rusty, but I found it easy to fall right back in step and had a wonderful visit with a potential student who will probably enroll next week. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better first day back. I give it one huge sigh of relief!
I know I promised I would update about holidays, but that will have to wait until next post. I have emails to return and work to do. I never would have thought I would say this, but it feels good to be back.

The best part? I get to go home and spend time with my most special people, and dinner is already waiting in my crockpot....nifty!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I hope everything works out ok with your carseat...that really sucks. I'm so glad to hear that you feel good to be back at work. I'm already dreading my first day back even though it isn't until April. And yes, you are VERY lucky to have the job/childcare setup that you do :) I'm very jealous!