Thursday, March 20, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Boy, this is definitely the busiest Spring I've had for a long time! I've got tons going on at work (event planning, interviews, tours, application review, re-enrollment, graduation planning...), Parker has become the busiest little bee and is scooting, rolling, wiggling his way around as best he can, AND we have houseguests (I just found out)tonight and tomorrow night, next week Mima comes to visit, we go to North Carolina after that, and then the weekend after that we have another wedding. Oh my!!! No wonder time feels like it is flying by!!!

Yesterday little Parker said "Ma" for the first time (not really directed at me, but I'll pretend.:)) I have the feeling he's going to be an early talker. He makes all sorts of funny sounds while keeping eye contact with whomever he is "talking" to. He's really into screaming and squealing for fun too, which is very funny. He also really wants to stand up all of the time (with assistance, of course). He gets a big grin on his face when he is standing up on my knees holding my hands. Pretty soon we'll be chasing him around the house!

Ok, enough blogging. I've got a meeting, emails, packets, etc. to attend to. Whew!

TGIAF (a= almost)

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