Monday, March 31, 2008

I think I can, I think I can....

Well, I made it through last week, despite another bout of some sort of stomach virus or food poisoning or something, largely because MiMa Beth came down from North Carolina to help out while Chris was away. Beth came Wednesday and we picked up some groceries, hung out, ate dinner and went to bed. I was sick all that night and through the entire next day- yuck! Luckily Mima entertained Parker and I literally slept the whole day away on Thursday and then went back to work on Friday and again on Saturday.

The event I put together for Saturday went really well. I got up and left Parker with MiMa at around 8 a.m. This was his first time staying with anyone other than Deborah for any significant period of time. We got done a little early with our event and I was able to get home to my little Peanut by around 2:00. Believe it or not, that was the longest I've been away from him...ever! Luckily, the time flew by and I felt totally comfortable. I was very excited to get back home and give him a big snuggle (and an afternoon snack).

I can't believe Parker is now 5 months old! That is almost half a year! Incredible! It seems like ages ago that he was a tiny newborn who slept all day long and wore size NB diapers. (He wears size 2 now btw...what a big boy!) My mom and dad are coming on April 30th (Parker's 6 month B-day!) for a visit and I know they are going to be amazed at how much he has changed since they saw him in January. He is one busy little boy. He is babbling all the time and wiggling even more than ever. He has said Ma Ma more than a few times, which is exciting even though he has said it to everything from the bed pillow to the dog. I'm still convinced he is brilliant. :)

Chris came back last night just after midnight and we are all so glad to have him home. Lennox suffered separation anxiety more than anyone, and demonstrated his nerves by being outrageously gassy all week. He jumped up and down like mad when Chris came in. Chris' big 3-0 is on Thursday, so this is another big week in the Nicholson household. I'll update you on how that goes soon.

I may be exhausted, but we're still movin' full steam ahead! I think I can, I think I can!

1 comment:

tessa said...

I can't believe how busy you are. Man, and here I am complaining about just work, working out, and studying.

Hope you are feeling better.