Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sleep... what's that?

Ugh... for the third night in a row Parker has had a gassy tummy and has been up for hours in the middle of the night. I am SO tired and have been surviving on caffine and sugar alone...which I'm sure is not helping Parker's gassiness. A vicious cycle... Pool little fellow. He wakes up happy as a clam in the morning anyway and is smiling and ready to start his day. I cannot say the same for myself! It seems that his tummy is on a timer to act up only between the hours of 1 and 4 a.m.

I think part of the issue is that Parker is in the middle of a growth spurt (you can REALLY see him growing day to day) and is eating a lot more and taking longer naps during the day. Maybe the extra food (milk) is making his stomach work harder. Who knows. This same thing happened once before, lasted a few days, and then stopped. So hopefully that will be the case. I can only function in zombie mode for so long!

Aside from that, we've had a good week! Parker has gotten so adept at playing with his toys, sticking things in his mouth, and reaching out for things he is interested in. He has made tremendous leaps in ability over the past few weeks. Go Parker! It also seems that he is becoming ticklish, which is so cute! He laughs and laughs when I tickle his little sides. He also really enjoys foot rubs- a boy after my own heart!

This weekend Parker will attend his first wedding. Our neighbors, Dave and Ashely, will be getting married down town on Saturday, and all three of us were invited. How nice! The wedding is at six, so we will only stay for part of the reception, but we are all looking forward to it. Hopefully we will go for a couple more walks this weekend and enjoy the nice weather we've been having.

Chris got me the sweetest present yesterday. Some of you may know that I really enjoy asian and asian influenced art. Chris had a meeting yesterday evening with one of his sponsors for the Winter Music Conference and he saw a store across the street that was having a huge sale. He popped his head in the door and saw a bunch of Buddha statues and paintings, etc. He found the most gorgeous wood carving of the face of Buddha which had originally been nearly $200, and he got it for $39! What a sale! It is so perfect for our living room and was such a thoughtful gift! Love that Hubby of mine. :)

Friday is only a day away...hooray!

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