Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Old McDonald and his barnyard friends

I think I have sung "Old McDonald" about 100 times this week. Parker's sleep/nap schedule has changed so that he is no longer sleeping through our commute every day, and has, on several occasions, gotten VERY upset about being stuck in his carseat with nothing to do. It seems that hearing mommy "oink, oink, moo, moo, and hee-haw, hee-haw (my personal favorite) is one of the only things that (albeit temporarily) improves his mood about being in the car. Aside from that, this week has started off better than last.

We had a very nice time over the weekend hanging out with Chris' friend, Roby, and his wife, Julia. They came down from Chris' hometown, Thomasville, NC, and stayed with us on Thursday and Friday and part of Saturday. They are considering a move to Atlanta and wanted to come check the place out. Julia is my age and is working on her masters degree in a non-profit management program. She is SO nice and we really hit it off immediately. I really hope that they end up moving to ATL because I can tell that we would become friends. Parker really liked her a lot too and had fun staring at her blonde hair. :)

I have a very busy week ahead of me at work again, and will be working on Saturday as well for our Realtor Open House at school. (I guess I can't complain as I planned, scheduled and organized the event...sigh). I realize I had a couple of days off for Spring Break a few weeks ago, but I'm starting to feel like I really need a vacation!!! Next weekend will be fun, but will definitely not be relaxing as we will be driving to NC and celebrating Chris' 30th birthday at both his parents' house and at the house of Andy and Anna (Parker's godparents), and then, of course, driving the 5.5 hours back to Atlanta. I can literally see wrinkles appearing on my face from sleeping less and doing much, much more. Is that why I no longer get carded when I order a glass of wine? Alas.

Ok, that's the update for now. I'm off for another bucket of coffee...

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